How to Create a Clipping Path in Photoshop

 Are you someone still struggling to create a clipping path in Photoshop? We have made an easy and crystal clear guide for you guys divided into multiple steps. 

After reading this blog, creating a clipping path in photoshop will be simpler and easier. But as the saying goes Practice makes a man perfect. So, do not compromise on practice.

Anyhow let’s continue with the tutorial on How to Create a clipping path in Photoshop. First of all let us enhance your knowledge about what exactly clipping path is.

Clipping Path: Brief information

A clipping path is a closed vector path that can be used to cut out some particular part of a two-dimensional image. Anything within the path would be removed, leaving only the path’s exterior as a remnant. An outline is drawn around the selected region, which is then cut out of the image’s context.

Step 1: Upload the respective image in Photoshop 

Launch Adobe Photoshop and select Open from the File menu to import the image you want to edit.

Step 2: From the Main toolbar select the Pen tool

Using the Pen Tool can be difficult in initial times and requires a lot of practice to get desired results.

Step 3: The next move is to begin drawing your picture’s exact shape

​It can take some time depending on how complex the object’s edges are, so make sure the path is done correctly.

Step 4: Go to Layer Panel & Save Path

  • Go to the Layer Panel and select the Path Tab after drawing a full path around the subject.
  • Choose Save Path after selecting the Path Layer and clicking the Three Lines Shaped Icon in the top right corner of the panel.
  • After that, give your route a name and choose Clipping Path from the same drop-down screen.
  • A new dialogue box with a range of clipping path options will appear.
  • After you’ve made sure your route is picked, click Ok.

Step 5: From the File menu, select Save as Photoshop EPS

Pick Save As from the main File menu. Then, as the File Type, choose Photoshop EPS.

Step 6. Select Add Layer Mask from Layer Panel

Click twice on the Add Layer Mask icon in the Layer Panel.

So, yea we are done. You have successfully learned How to Create a Clipping Path in Photoshop. If you have any further doubts to mention them in the comment box. It will be great to help. The last message from our side will be to keep learning and keep growing. Practice being perfect. Thanks for reading our blog.


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